How to make $90/hour sharing the game you love!


Coaches of all levels can teach private lessons on the side. You don’t need to be a MLL player to connect with players in your community and elevate their game, all on a flexible schedule that works for you.

Sign up today for free and collect 100% of your hourly rate directly from the players you coach.

Now is the most active time for our instructors as players look to improve ahead of the fall recruiting season. Your mobile instructor profile puts your information at the fingertips of players in your area.

Coaches of all levels are needed, we studied our most active instructors and found that many of our coaches from smaller college programs received the most training requests from players and parents. Drew Wardlow of Grove City College teaches private lessons in the Baltimore area, which allows him to stay tied to the game despite a heavy travel schedule for work.

Get started here:

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