The football team will honor the memory of Welles Remy Crowther with red bandana-emblazoned helmets and uniforms.
If you don’t know the story of Welles Crowther, I highly recommend you watch ESPN’s “The Man in the Red Bandana” piece done for the 10-year anniversary.
Thursday marks the 13th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, that claimed the lives of 22 Boston College alumni, including Welles Crowther (BC ’99). Crowther, a former Boston College lacrosse player, equities trader and volunteer firefighter, single-handedly saved the lives of more than a dozen people in the World Trade Center’s South Tower before losing his own life.
On Saturday, when the Boston College football team takes the field against USC, the Eagles will be wearing helmets and uniforms emblazoned with a red bandana to honor the “Man in the Red Bandana.”