
Good afternoon Media Friends,

We are reaching out to you today to announce the Penn State Men’s Lacrosse is partnering with Cascade & Maverik Lacrosse. I’ve attached the press release for this partnership as well as included imagery for custom Penn State equipment for download off of our FTP site. All images have been sized 900×600 and for web security the links are set to expire 2/28/15 — please download all the images and include in the release. We’d very much appreciate you sharing with our team, cc’d, your posted link for this release so that we can echo your efforts through our social media channels. I’ve also included Jen Heisel who is the Assistant Director of Athletic Communications at Penn State for any questions.

Cascade Helmet Photos

Penn State MAVERIK gloves

Penn State MAVERIK heads

Penn State MAVERIK shafts

As the release mentions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Tory or myself with any questions you may have in regards to the partnership.

Thank you for your time and effort — I’m looking forward to catching up with you all.

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